Indra Avitech – Providing the Aviation Industry with Safe, Reliable and Cost-Effective Solutions


Make use of Indra Avitech's dedicated commitment for your future solutions!

The ever increasing number of flying passengers and aircraft in already crowded airspaces is forcing the air traffic industry to constantly increase capacity. However, high safety standards have to be maintained at all times. 

This task requires the implementation of reliable information and data management systems, together with trusted products and processes. Air passengers are not only interested in the comfortable transportation from A to B, but also wish to have the assurance of being able to take off, fly and land safely and on time.

Furthermore, shorter flight times and reduced holding patterns are not only more comfortable for the passengers on board, but also lead to reduced fuel consumption and thus to less air pollution.

Indra Avitech’s services and solutions provide more safety for us all: for passengers, airports, airlines and the entire planet.

It is our unwavering aim to provide our customers with products, solutions and services which are reliable, innovative and flexible, and thus to become one of the world’s leading developers of Aviation Management Systems.

Indra Avitech – Enabeling ICAO ASBU strategy